Fall 2023 rush has concluded! Follow @uscdeltas on instagram to keep updated.
The sisters of Delta Phi Kappa are excited to invite you all to our Fall 2023 recruitment! At Delta Phi Kappa rush, you can learn how our sisterhood events, social advocacy projects, and extensive alumni network can contribute to a fulfilling and unique college experience. Food will be provided at all three rush events. Can’t wait to see you there! ✨
Fill out the following form to stay updated on all events: FALL 2023 RUSHEE INTEREST FORM
Food is provided at all three rushes (not info session). Find more details and stay updated on our Facebook Rush Event Page!
Deltas will also be tabling and free to answer any of your questions at the following events:
🌸 USC Involvement Fair: TBA
A letter from our New Member Educator!
Dear future Deltas,
I’m so excited to meet you and welcome you to our sisterhood! Deltas has given me the opportunity to meet so many different girls, all of whom are passionate, genuine, and unique— I am constantly inspired and proud to call these girls my sisters. I’ve met some of my very best friends in Deltas and I know you’ll have the opportunity to do the same.
See you at rush! <3 Evelyn Lee
Rush Rules
Recruitment events are open to all female USC students. Eligible students include:
Continuing USC students
Transfer students admitted to USC Fall 2023
USC freshmen admitted Spring 2023